Kagami Crystal-Whisky Glass, Edo Kiriko Kasaneirome "Ogiku (chrysanthemum in abundance)" by Junichi Nabetani, Master of traditional crafts T755-2973-WUB

Kagami Crystal-Whisky Glass, Edo Kiriko Kasaneirome "Ogiku (chrysanthemum in abundance)" by Junichi Nabetani, Master of traditional crafts T755-2973-WUB

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A whisky glass designed and cut by Junichi Nabetani, a Master of Traditional Crafts. Edo Kiriko's traditional pattern of Chrysanthemum Mesh is rendered all over in abundance. Through those cuts on bluish overlaid glass, amber shade of the beneath layer glass is revealed intricately creating a delicate contrast between two shades.

Size: 92mm (Caliber) x 95mm (Height)・320ml (Capacity)

SKU: T755-2973-WUB